Sunday, January 1, 2012

Glue traps

glue traps
Glue traps - When you have mice, glue traps are one of the only thing that you can think of is getting rid of them. They are extremely annoying and always seem to be in the way. Not to mention that they they droppings all over your home. There are many different trapping devices that can be used, such as glue traps for example. Glue traps work in that they trap a mouse and keep it from going anywhere. The question of using these kinds of traps has lead to a bit of an uproar. Well the question is rather or not they are humane. In fact, these traps are not humane by any standards and a lot of people will not use them because of that fact. You will have to be the judge on whether or not using them is an option for you.

A mouse infestation can start as a small and unassuming problem and quickly blow up into a very big one. It always starts with the fleeting sight of a single mouse and before you know it there's a whole nest and a family. And while mice on the outside may seem cute and harmless, the ones that come in from outdoors can actually pose as a huge health risk for you, your family, and your pets. This is why you should be looking into how to catch a mouse and mouse glue traps for your home.

Placing a mouse glue traps

Rat-bite fever is one disease that mice can carry as well as rats. It can be passed to a person through an actual bite or through mouse urine. Rat-bite fever symptoms can be unpleasant, from chills, fever, and headaches to vomiting and swollen joints. Usually a rash develops around the area if a person is bit. This is why you should always use extreme caution when placing down a mouse glue traps in an area you think is infested, especially if blindly placing one in a wall. If a mouse or rat feels threatened, most often they'll run but if they are cornered they can and will bite.

Mice can also carry parasites like mites, tapeworm, and ringworm. Ticks are another issue as well and can be painfully hard to see. All of glue traps can be passed to humans and even more easily to pets. It's important you keep pets away from infested areas. While your cat may know instinctively how to catch a mouse better than you do, it's best to not have them do so for fear of disease being passed along. It's very important to catch things like tapeworm and ringworm as soon as possible for both humans and pets, because the longer they are in the system the more long term damage they will do glue traps.

Need to be evaluated

Mice have highly developed stress responses and getting caught in a glue traps, can cause death but not quickly like a snap trap. They have been known to suffocate in their own feces and urine. This is absolutely disgusting and messy. That is if the stress doesn't kill them first. While some would think that any trap is a good mouse trap, some don't. They also have been known to bite their legs off just to escape the trap. This could cause more of a mess that you really want to deal with. While some may not be opposed to this, there are better ways of getting rid of rodents without this kind of thing. Glue traps need to be evaluated by the individual before using them to catch mice.

Dealing with rodents

Certainly there are better traps that can be used such as a no see trap or a snap trap for example. Death comes quickly and cleanly using these two methods. This is not the case for glue traps. Why cause suffering when you don't have to? Quick and clean should be the idea for the day when dealing with extermination of vermin. It is up to the individual as to what method he or she will employ to get rid of rodents in their home. This article just gives information on how the glue trap works and consequences of using one. Now you can make an informed decision on how to rid your home of unwanted visitors! In conclusion, you are not alone in dealing with these rodents and it is you decision in how to do so.

~ Glue traps